Tag Archives: social sites

Digital Identity

Second week into this Msc Digital Media. I have gone through the induction, very good and informative, now comes the important part, assignments and lectures. I must say, the past lectures on Social Technologies module have been quite informative, at least for me. I have learnt how important the use of social sites can be beneficial in terms of being recognised by prospective employers and of course socialising among friends, family and colleagues. Therefore the digital identity I posses on these sites is of paramount importance. The footprint I leave on the world wide web may be accessed by anyone, so remaining as ‘clean’ as possible is very crucial.

Just remaining ‘clean’ is not good enough, presenting one’s self out there with not just a name but a brief biography will help with identification. For example there could be more than one person with the same name, what distinguishes the name searches are the brief descriptions of what each one on the individuals stand for. So for me this was like a wake up call and I have started editing my profiles on all my sites towards creating a professional digitalidentity.